Body Composition Measures

Jackson-Pollock 7-Site Skin Fold Test

A skin fold test is a form of body composition measure performed using a skin fold caliper. Through measuring 7 specific sites and adding the sum of skin folds, a standardized formula is used calculate the subject’s body fat percentage. This tells us two primary things: How much fat mass, and how much fat free mass the subject carries.

With this information, we can piece together tangible information about how to achieve body composition goals. An individualized chart will be prepared for each subject entailing caloric requirements to reach certain body composition measures. E.g.,

This information can be very useful in planning out a dietary strategy. A prediction of required calorie surplus/deficit to reach a given body fat percentage will set a time frame on reaching your goal. If you are not receiving nutrition coaching, further direction can be delivered in how to make practical use of this data.