Services Offered


Nutrition & Exercise Consultation: $120+GST (~2 hours)
Nutrition or Exercise Consultation: $75+GST (~1 hour)

After setting specific, measurable, timely goals that suit your background and capabilities, I will work with you to lay out an individualized route to those goals using a results/evidence based approach. Primary subjects covered will be nutrition and/or weight training philosophies and their associated hierarchies. You should walk away from the session knowing what you need to do to accomplish your goals with respect to fitness and lifestyle.

Consultations can take place via Skype or in person, within the Regina area. Click the heading “Consultations” to begin.

Body Composition Measures

Single Measure: $75+GST ($50+GST for nutrition/exercise clients)
Before/After Measure: $125+GST ($100+GST for nutrition/exercise clients)

Measures are completed utilizing a skin fold test. Results will provide the following information: Body fat percentage; Fat Mass; Fat Free Mass; Fat Free Mass index, and estimated room for lean mass gain; as well as numerous caloric deficit/surplus requirements to achieve your goal. A customized table will be put together for you as an estimated chart of gains/losses (goal dependent). With this, you’ll have an estimated caloric surplus/deficit requirement to achieve numerous body composition goals, at a manipulatable ratio of fat/muscle loss.

Nutrition and Exercise Coaching

3 month terms: $299+GST per month
6 month terms: $238+GST per month

This is main service offered. You will receive weekly nutrition & exercise programming alongside weekly check-ins. The structure of the service is customized to the individual, but typically involves detailed macro- and mesocycle planning for training, and customized nutrition programming structures focused on energy balance, macro-nutrition, and nutrient timing. Shared, customized logging is provided for optimal coach/client communication.

Note: Consultations are mandatory for all prospective coaching clients, and not included in the price of the coaching. Click the “Consultations” link above, or fill out a contact form to begin.

Nutrition Coaching

3 month terms: $200+GST per month
6 month terms: $165+GST per month

Customized nutrition programming will be provided and adapted as necessary with weekly check-ins and daily tracking.

Note: Consultations are mandatory for all prospective coaching clients, and not included in the price of the coaching. Click the “Consultations” link above, or fill out a contact form to begin.

Exercise Coaching

3 month terms: $200+GST per month
6 month terms: $165+GST per month

Customized exercise programming will be provided and adapted as necessary with weekly check-ins and data tracking.

Note: Consultations are mandatory for all prospective coaching clients, and not included in the price of the coaching. Click the “Consultations” link above, or fill out a contact form to begin.

Customized Mesocycle/Training Program

Example 1: template for bodybuilders looking to track training volume by body part. The template provides the base for tracking, but programming is fully customized.

1 Customized 4-12 week Training Cycle (Mesocycle): $200+GST

A fully customized training cycle will be prepared based on your goals. Training weeks (microcycles) can consist of 2-6 workouts, and training blocks (mesocycles) can be 4-12 weeks in length. Shorter cycles are generally more repeatable than longer cycles. Program adaptations are not included, but I will offer direction if problems arise.

You will receive a questionnaire to summarize training history, goals, preferences, and timeline. A fully customized training plan will be put together and sent to you within a week of submitting the questionnaire.

Programming centers around weight training, but can include speed, agility, plyometrics, and conditioning work as well (goal dependent & at request). I will select the template to build your program on based on your values, goals, and how much/what you want to log and monitor.

Example 2: Powerlifting templates complete with block review

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