Mark Discombe
Prairie Wolfpack Rugby
Westshore RFC
Regina Rogues RFC
3 Month Progress:
Squat: 265lbs -> 345lbs
Bench Press: 230lbs -> 265lbs
Deadlift: 335lbs -> 425lbs
Bodyweight: 170lbs -> 180lbs
Mark’s Testimonial:
I’ve known Taylor for a long time now and I know just how much knowledge and passion he has for strength and conditioning.
I signed up with Bakerstrength with the goal of becoming bigger and stronger in an athletic way. I had 3 months from the time my rugby season ended in Saskatchewan to a new one starting in BC. My goal was to gain weight and strength without becoming ‘out of shape.’ This man laid everything out on the table for me and all I had to do was put in the hard work in the gym and in the kitchen. I leave for BC in a couple days and I can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life, but not only that I would be no where close to where I am now without Bakerstrength.
I’ve never been the biggest or the strongest rugby player, but with this guy in my corner for the past 3 months i definitely feel ready for what lies ahead. I’ll definitely be doing this again next year.
Thank You Taylor Baker and Bakerstrength!